Test Chambers Knowledge

Test Chambers Knowledge
DGBELL Vietnam

How to test mobile phone lithium battery?

The mobile phone lithium battery is a finished battery composed of battery cell and battery protection board. The mobile phone lithium battery will be activated before leaving the factory. After a series of processes of filling the battery case with electrolyte-sealing-forming-dividing, the activation of the

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Test Chambers Knowledge
DGBELL Vietnam

Why does the lithium ion battery explode?

Lithium battery, I think we should be more rigorous. It should be called the lithium-ion secondary battery. Li is the smallest diameter and most active metal on the element periodic table. If you are not sure, you can look at the periodic table “Lithium hydrogen-helium

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Test Chambers Knowledge
DGBELL Vietnam

How to perform IEC 62133 testing on battery?

What is IEC 62133? The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) was established in 1906 and has a history of 114 years until 2020. It is the earliest international electrotechnical standardization Organization established in the world and is responsible for the international standardization work in the fields of

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Test Chambers Knowledge
DGBELL Vietnam

Why do electric vehicle charging accidents occur frequently?

In recent years, electric vehicles have become more and more popular, but electric vehicle accidents have occurred more and more frequently. Therefore, we need to know why the charging of electric vehicles will suddenly catch fire or explode? Line aging Electric vehicles have been used

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Test Chambers Knowledge
DGBELL Vietnam

Division and limitation of environmental testing

The simple division of environmental testing can be divided into “climate environmental testing”, “mechanical environmental testing” and “comprehensive environmental testing”. Climate-related environmental tests include environmental stress tests such as temperature, humidity, and pressure, while mechanical environmental tests include environmental stress tests such as shock and

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Test Chambers Knowledge
DGBELL Vietnam

Do you know what types of environmental testing chambers are?

Environmental testing type Environmental chamber testing usually uses a single-factor test and multi-factor combination test, which act on the products in a certain order. To improve the accuracy and reliability of the test results, environmental tests have also begun to develop comprehensive tests, and actively develop

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Test Chambers Knowledge
DGBELL Vietnam

What is thermal shock? What is the thermal shock chamber?

What is thermal shock? Thermal shock means that due to the rapid heating or cooling, the object generates a large amount of heat exchange in a short time. When the temperature changes drastically, the object will produce a thermal shock. This phenomenon is called thermal

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Test Chambers Knowledge
DGBELL Vietnam

Lithium-ion battery copper foil crushing during extrusion

With the increasing popularity of electric vehicles, the safety and electrical performance of electric vehicles need more and more attention. If high-energy accidents such as collisions occur during the use of electric vehicles, the lithium-ion battery may undergo severe deformation, which may cause serious safety

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Test Chambers Knowledge
DGBELL Vietnam

IEC 60068 Testing Standard

Do you know the IEC 60068? Today’s guide will give you a brief introduction to the IEC 60068. The Definition of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is an international organization for environmental testing standardizations. It is also the home to

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