Test Chambers Knowledge
DGBELL Vietnam

Nghiên cứu mô phỏng bộ pin lithium hình trụ

Pin lithium điện được sử dụng rộng rãi trong các loại xe năng lượng mới vì mật độ năng lượng cao, điện áp cao, công suất riêng cao, hiệu suất chu kỳ tốt và không gây ô nhiễm. Để đáp ứng năng lượng và phạm

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Test Chambers Knowledge
DGBELL Vietnam

Về thử nghiệm mô phỏng môi trường

Thử nghiệm mô phỏng môi trường là thử nghiệm để xác minh độ tin cậy chức năng của sản phẩm trong quá trình sử dụng, vận chuyển và lưu trữ. Là để sản phẩm tiếp xúc với các điều kiện môi trường tự nhiên hoặc

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Test Chambers Knowledge
DGBELL Vietnam

Do you know the Temperature Test Chamber?

The temperature test chamber is generally composed of working room, adjusting equipment, auxiliary equipment and control system. The regulating system includes heater, evaporator and air supply device, and auxiliary equipment main room refrigeration unit. The control system includes temperature controller, program setter, safety alarm device

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Test Chambers Knowledge
DGBELL Vietnam

Environmental Reliability Test

As a type of reliability test, environmental test has developed into a method to predict how the product environment affects the performance and function of the product. In other words, environmental tests are used to assess the degree of environmental impact on products before they

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Test Chambers Knowledge
DGBELL Vietnam

Overview Of Power Lithium Battery Aging

The cycle life of lithium batteries has always been one of the most important parameters for electric vehicle buyers. How does a lithium battery get old? Aging always appears together with failure, but to be precise, aging and failure are two concepts. Aging, which refers

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Test Chambers Knowledge
DGBELL Vietnam

Aging Test About Lithium Battery Pack

The activation stage of lithium battery pack includes precharge, formation, aging, constant capacity and so on. There are two main factors influencing the performance of lithium battery pack, namely aging temperature and aging time. What’s more, it is important that the battery tested in the

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Test Chambers Knowledge
DGBELL Vietnam

Causes, Hazards And Preventive Measures Of Battery Combustion

This passage summarizes the mechanism of thermal runaway and preventive measures, which have been applied in the design and manufacturing of all battery systems. However, in practice, different material systems have different chemical characteristics, so the thermal runaway mechanism of the battery core is different.

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